I began my wellness journey at a young age after experimenting with holistic treatments for health issues. I started practicing yoga at the age of twelve and became certified in Transcendental Meditation that same year. I quickly realized the deep benefits of eating well, practicing yoga, taking homeopathic supplements, and meditating daily. I kept those things with me throughout my teenage years and college but as every twenty something year old does, I got a bit side tracked from leading a healthy lifestyle.
My world changed when I suffered a serious concussion in 2017.
Despite the medical community’s attempts, my condition worsened with time. I remembered the lessons of my childhood practicing TM and yoga with my mother, took my health into my own hands, and dedicated six weeks to healing with the support of an Integrative Medicine doctor for Cortical Integrative Therapy in Rhode Island. The holistic treatments gave me back my life. I began to think of health differently and learned to listen and trust my body.
I was inspired to dive deeper into why the accident happened and realized my body was screaming for me to slow down. The modern world can be extremely tolling & toxic on our bodies, and while we can’t control everything, we have the power to make simple changes that have a lasting impact. I realize first hand that it can seem nearly impossible or intimidating to find time to fit wellness into your life, but I am here to provide tips and tricks that you can carry with you throughout your family’s busy modern lifestyle.
I believe health is all about balance and not extremes.
Ever since my accident, I have spent every moment of my spare time researching and learning more about health through books, mentors, podcasts, product labels, & the personal health stories of others, which inspired me to enroll at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I am now a Certified Holistic Health Coach. I also worked at Clean Market as a Market Specialist to further enhance my knowledge.
During my pregnancy with my son James, I realized that I had to do a ton of my own research to know what was healthy for the two of us. Once he came into the world, I felt it even stronger as I went through each stage with him, and found myself wanting to learn more. I then found the only school with a focus on holistic health for pregnancy, postpartum, and babies. I enrolled in Oh Baby Nutrition and became certified as a Certified Nutrition Consultant. I can truly say I have found my true passion now and am excited to work with you and your baby!
My mission? It’s my intention to help guide, empower, and nurture you and your baby on your journey together.
xx -Lauren